I promised myself to save up for the Mac Venemous Villians Collection I am really looking forward to that collection. I was unable to hold back on the Dare To Wear Collection, once I came across these stunning lipglasses. I first purchased Ban This! on its own when I wore it I fell it love with the silk like texture and more importantly I loved its longeivty it stays on for hours.I didn't have to touch up majorly throughout the day and the colours are just so stunning :)
Lipglasses: Dare To Wear, Gimme That, Ban This!, Bold And Brash

Love this nude looking lip plump by Too Faced its called First Time. I already own two lipsticks by them I dont actually own any lipglosses so I thought I'd give this one a try. I also love the candy scent on this
I might apply this on a nude lipstick like Mac Myth or Honeylove.

Frequently asked Questions:
I get this question asked quite a lot on which lotion I use, which Dove Lotion I use? as there are so many! Well I like to use the Dove Silk. I've been using this for almost a year now I usually use it on my face,neck and body. It has a fresh smelling fragrance to it not too strong fairly light. I pop this one on once I step out the shower.
I really love this lotion it really gives my skin the moisture it needs, it doesnt clog any pores. In the end my skin feels soft and refreshed.